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Posts posted by REEFJUNKIE

  1. Yes, I agree the Yellow is so common that is actually the last on my list. I was trying to stay away from Naso bc they get so big and somewhat of their price. The chevron is gorgeous, but also it is $199 for a small/medium. I will do some research on the others you suggested.

    On level of hardiness, how is the orange shoulder? Also, as far as aggression, are there any in your suggested list that might be the tank bully?

  2. Wanted to ask everyone's opinion on their tang experience. I am in the process of setting up a new tank, 240 (72x24x31), and I am thinking about doing a tang dominant set up. I have kept several tangs in the past but never more than 2 at time. With the new 6ft set up I will have plenty of swimming room. I have been researching quite a bit but wanted to ask you guys as well.

    My budget is a concern but I know there are a ton of beautiful tangs out there that are under the $100 range. I am also wanting to keep the hardier species because I really don't want to kill anything for lack of knowledge and of course the fact of wasting money, see previous sentence. So with all that in mind, I want to try and keep at least 5 if I can.

    Here is a list of potential tangs I am looking at keeping. Any experience or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    List of wanted tangs:

    Tomini (best tang I have ever owned)

    Powder brown




    Scopas (aggresion issues, I have had 1 in the past)

    Yellow (if I have to, lol)

    List of wanted but probably won't/can't get:

    Clown (I think I have decided against after reading all the threads on RC about them)

    Purple (I don't think I will ever own one bc of the price is out of my budget)

    Achillis (sensitivity & price)

    Powder Blue (sensitivity)

  3. Here's a thread about it from a few years ago.


    In your case, make sure to add things like oyster eggs or cyclops eeze and other foods that the coral and filter feeders benefit from. I posted in the other one, but central market is the best place for small quantities of random seafood. Way cheaper than whole foods, and at least the south location, has a much better selection. With a small tank, you will not need a lot to last a long time. If you end up with a pound total, it's probably years worth of food.

    Will the food stay good for years? Obviously it will be in the freezer, but there are several types of protein that won't stay good for that long. Is seafood different, or are there preservatives in the additives like cyclopeeze, garlic, etc?

  4. I am upgrading and would like to sell my current tank. SELLING ONLY THE TANK! The pictures show misc equip inside the tank, that stuff is not for sale.

    Dimensions are: 48" long, 30" tall, 24" wide.

    The outside back glass is painted black.

    There are 2 holes drilled on back glass for 1" bulkheads for overflows. NO OVERFLOW BOXES COME WITH THIS TANK. You will need to purchase bulkheads and plumbing fixtures for whatever kind of overflow set up you want.

    $300! ***PRICE DROP*** $150!




  5. River City has a 220 gallon, center overflow in their shop that has been sitting a for little while now. It is pretty much a complete system, you might want to get a hold of Jake and see if he might make a deal if you are interested.

    I went to see this. It is a nice custom setup but the center over flow really needs a room divider situation. My space only allows the aquarium to be up against the wall.

    Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

    I couldn't agree more, I have been trying to buy this tank for quite some time now but the guy who owns thinks it is worth more than it is, even after sitting for as long as it has. I have the perfect situation for it, maybe some day.
    He told me today, he was going to the guy he had to take it out. He told me tank stand & canopy alone is $1800. Idk if that is more in your price range but he is willing to part without all the equip.

    Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

  6. River City has a 220 gallon, center overflow in their shop that has been sitting a for little while now. It is pretty much a complete system, you might want to get a hold of Jake and see if he might make a deal if you are interested.

    I went to see this. It is a nice custom setup but the center over flow really needs a room divider situation. My space only allows the aquarium to be up against the wall.

    Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

  7. I am looking to upgrade my reef. Wanting 200+ gallons. I have searched this site and also looking on CL but nothing is available right now. Anyone know of someone wanting to get out hobby or any other avenues to look? Can't really afford a custom ordered tank. Thank you in advance!

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