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Posts posted by saltwateratx

  1. He's hanging in there. I had to put a net box in the tank with a rock on it to keep him under water so he wasn't halfway floating out of the water. I'm continuing the Furan treatment and hoping for the best I guess and will try to get him to eat some more boiled peas tomorrow. Might look up the epson salt trick unless someone else has an idea on what to try.

  2. Hello everyone. Anyone have an luck treating hippo tang's with swim bladder issue? The fish tries to swim down from the top of the tank only to float back to the top. I received him from Live Aquaria 7 days ago and he has been in a 20g QT ever since. I've tried feeding pea's(no success and hasn't eaten since last Thursday) and have been treating him with Prazi-Pro(Step 1 in QT treatment) since last Friday and Furan-2 since Monday when I first noticed a slight bulge in the stomach. Looking for some help as I'm trying to save the little guy.



  3. Hello, my name is Andrew and I've been meaning to join for a while but been extremely busy with tank maintenance and work. I started this hobby about 1 1/2 years ago with a 5.5g FW fish tank for my 3 year old. All I can say is that I was addicted out the get go with moving to a 46g FW tank, then picking up a DSA 105g Pro reef setup all within about 6 months or so. 6 months ago, I added a 75g predator tank and of course the most important quarantine tank.

    I've had a few bumps and bruises along the way as I initially started without the QT process and found myself with 9 fish in my DT(M/F Blue Throat Triggers, Cardinal, Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish, FoxFace, Pair of Green Chromis, and a Naso Tang) all which seemed to be doing really great until that one day. I first found my Naso tang had jumped out of the tank between the opening in the back of the canopy, 2 days later it seemed my female trigger was sick with fin rot but it wasn't. 4 days later my tank was empty as all fish had died from what appeared to be flukes.

    Needless to say, I learned my lesson the hard way and because of folks like everyone on this forum I have become a more educated reefer and established many great practices to prevent a situation similar to what happened before.

    Currently I have only the following setup and running

    46g FW, Patty's, Mollies

    105g Reef with Kole Eye Tang, Yellow Tang, Diamond Goby, 1 Ocellaris Clown(the two were fighting way to much), Purple Dottyback, 2 Firefish, cleanup crew and corals,

    75g Predator tank with a Picaso Trigger, Lionfish,

    20g QT currently stock with a Blue Hippo Tang that will go in the DT if healthy.



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