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Posts posted by tropicaldreams

  1. Sorry Tracy I've been a little busy. No birth still bloated. Swimming fine and eating fine.

    In the tank I have three seahorses wild, two clowns, two fire fish, a diamond goby, scooter blenny. Corals I have zoas, Duncan's, rock anemones, gorgs, and mushrooms

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. I keep a herd of ponies on a 110g and that stallion is pregnant. I would bet he gives birth any moment now! I would only be worried about bubbles if he's having trouble keeping himself vertical and maybe floats side ways near the surface. He looks perfect in your pictue. Are you having any trouble with him?

    No he eats like a horse and swims like a fish. We also have a 110 tall. How many horses do you have? Where do you get yours from?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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