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Veni Vidi Vici

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Posts posted by Veni Vidi Vici

  1. Yup... I dont know why I felt the need to smell it sick.png .

    Probably for the same reason I have to see if the plate is hot after the waitress/waiter tells me not to touch the plate.

    I do not recall ever dealing with Translucent Ectoplasma before,I always had cyno , diatoms or both.

  2. I have it..... New tank cycled with 80 lbs of new live sand and 35 lbs of live rock plus unknown weight of base rock.

    It started showing up in my skimmer first but it is now starting to spread in my sump/rufugium and my water is cloudy.

    Anyone know how to deal with this?


  3. Woot! Got the stand doors done and the magnets on the doors installed. Once the finish dries and I get the magnets installed on the stand, the cabinetry is done!

    All that is left is to build the lights for the fuge, and then start stocking. Yeah BABY, it's about to start taking shape smile.pngsmile.png

    Photos!!! We need photos!!

    What are your plans for your fuge lights?

  4. I like the scape too, nice caves!

    Thanks Kim... It was fun dry stacking its kinda like reverse Jenga

    I have a sexy shrimp I can sell ya.

    I need a dead one....

    Hallelujah!!! Congrats on starting the curing process. You can't have my peppermint shrimp!!!

    Thanks smile.png

  5. i might be starting to think like a fish on house hunters international...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    i might be starting to think like a fish on house hunters international...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. So while I wait for my 16 gpd RO unit to make all my water I sit here and debate my final decisions. I have some extra sand and a empty refugium and im wondering if I want to try a DSB. The cell is 12 x 24 and ive never ran a DSB so i dont even know if thats enough room to even create an effective one. I also have a bunch or base rock too. Im just not really sure what I want to do yet.

    Thoughts...Ideas....? Im all ears.

  7. Here is my thinking.... I didnt have a issue with phosphates in my old tank nor algae. My tank was pretty clean to be honest and really not that old,maybe a 1-1/2 years old before I broke it down. Im not afraid of some Po4 if my old rock leaches some ,if it can be overcome with cheatomophora ,phosban/GFO or both. Im gonna have to make a decision lol.......

    Its a gamble if I do and ill kick myself if i dont.....

  8. I would use new live sand personally. Rinse out a quart or two and decide if it's clean enough, my guess is there will be a ton of dried detritus that will flush out.

    Thanks Tim,

    Im not really concerned to much about replacing the sand, its all the pounds of rock. I think its worth the risk vs all the money I would have to re-invest into purchasing new LR. I do plan on adding some additional after my cycle however.

  9. So im getting ready to aquascape my new 120 and I currently have a all the former LR that was in my 125.... YEARS ago, also a 5 gallon bucket of sand that is still wet from my shallow sand bed that was also in my 125..YEARS ago, and I was wondering.
    Im going to be cycling my tank here shortly ,is there any reason that I should should wash ,rinse,clean..... either of the two?
    I opened up the bucket of sand expecting a wretched smell of death and to my surprise,nothing. Granted i havent stirred it yet,but even so. Is there a reason I shouldnt use it as is?


  10. I got all my RO/DI filters,membrane and cartilages installed and rinsed.... water is being madegrin.png

    I also made up a small batch of SW so I could run my skimmer for a bit and see if shes functioning properly...so far so good.

    Hooked up DJ Strips...Phosban Reactor and my trusty timed solenoid ATO . Its starting to get messy.



    I also dug out my Refractometer and tested it against my Hydrometer(glass type) and they where light years apart so I ordered Refractometer calibration fluid along with some new test kits.... Salifert ammonia,nitrate,and nitrite kits..... im quite sure all my kits are toast after sitting in storage for so long but im in no hurry to get the rest until cycle is done.

    AQUASCAPE this week end!

    I started picking through the multiple 35 gallon cans of dead rock today to get an idea of what im gonna do with it all....bye.gif

  11. I think your pretty accurate on your assessment. My plan on these is to wait until my tank is up and running so I can make a better assessment if im even going to need them.

    As far as your pump...thats a good question. Is there a minimum flow rate ?

  12. They are also called penductors or eductors. They are apparatus used to create the Venturi Effect by forcing fluid/preasure through a funnel to create velocity.


  13. Nice job Dustin! What pump are you using?

    it's a Iwaki MD 40RLT. Not anywhere near your size pump but it's doing what I need for now. I WILL be looking for an upgrade soon

    This set up is great and I'm happy you shared it, thanks!

    Your welcome im glad it was useful to you.... I think im gonna try a few flow accelerators and see if they are what they claim.

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