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Posts posted by UTfan

  1. Thanks I will try to get a copy. I have ordered an read lots of books and true to what you have said they are a wealth of knowlage. P.S. I have wanted to come by your store for a long time now but have not had the time to do it latly, and this will give me a reason to come by.

  2. Wow, everyone has been a big help and I appreciate it. The more information I get the better. So anymore help would be much appreciated.Would a 55-75 gallon work okay? I don't think a 90 gallon would fit, but that all depends on the dimensions.

  3. I have had a freshwater aquarium for a year now, but I have always wanted to own a saltwater aquarium. I have done some research and set aside some money and I finally think I am ready to get an aquarium. I have a few questions that I hope someone could answer for me. Which is the best size aquarium to get and where should I get it? Is it easy to go from a fish only aquarium to a fish and coral aquarium? What are some fairly hardy fish that I should get first and where is the best place to get them? I have gotten some mixed answers on protein skimmers. One person said that I needed one and another said I didn't. Last question. Are invertabraes hard to keep and should I get them on my first fish buying expedition? Thanks for any and all help.

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