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Posts posted by Amuzed01

  1. Hey everyone,

    I am glad you guys have tried the food and like it. I only offer one type of food right now it's a mixed reef food. It has lots of goodies in it for your reef friends.

    The main reason I started making the food was because of the high prices to get premium food, so I decided to set about doing some research on what our tanks need. Then after sourcing ingredients I found out that I could feed my tanks for a lot less. I made a few DIY bags and sold them on MAAST. So I made another batch and I decided that if I was going to go down this route that I would have to turn it into a business so it was legal and legit.

    Jake from RCA actually took a gamble on me that day at the ARC frag swap back in the fall, and decided to start stocking Amuzed Marine Foods. The business is still small, the food is in 8 stores as I type this. Dallas has 3, Austin has 1, and San Antonio has 4. I will be going to Houston this weekend to promote it there, and 1 store has already agreed to carry it.

    I will not tell you my food is phosphate free, because I would be lying to you, but I will tell you there are no preservatives and I use human grade products in my food.

    I will talk to Jake about coming up there and handing out samples again for those that would like to try it.

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

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