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Posts posted by MINI

  1. +1 for gravity feed ato. The end the tube would be at where you want the water level. When water levels drop below the tip, air enters the container and water drains. Something to keep in mind though. Water jug is too thin, you will want use something with stronger walls.

  2. I kept dosing my 20g for two weeks after things looked gone, also held off water changes for the entire duration of treatment. I just manually removed any algae I could get to and checked in on every corak every chance I got. The byropsis never came back for months. Until I took in corals from a buddy's tank that was going through a crash, that stuff spreads like wildfire.

  3. A buddy and I successfully derimmed a 20L in less than a minute using a short 2x4 and mallet. Lay the tank on its side. Place one end of the 2x4 up against the corner of the black trim on the exterior. Hit the other end with the mallet using moderate force and move around to the other corners even if it didn't seem to knock the trim loose on the first whack.

    We also tried using razer blade and such on another tank. Took much longer and ending up breaking the trim into multiple pieces, also cracked the glass when we were pulling on the trim too hard. It was in the corner which is also where its hardest to get the trim off. Hence the method above on our second tank.

  4. In case you haven't started already and looking for another diy. There's a mame overflow that some others have made pvc versions. It's a little more compliacted looking but it self siphons. Also looks really wicked.

  5. Thanks everyone for the responses.

    jestep: I came from Lincoln, we only have one fish store in the entire state which even holds a candle to what I'm seeing here and that was an hour away in Omaha.

    Bio(cube): It looks to be a repeat of building a reef tank on a budget, this time a slightly larger budget. The reward for me is in watching the inhabitants thrive. Less money spent on equipment means room for livestock!

    Shawn: That's a suiting screen name. Yes I get urges now and then to browse the classifieds in hopes of finding a good deal on a small tank. Maybe another petco $/gal sale can help me out again smile.png

    Faron: Trashcan did turn out well but I'll probably be going a slightly better route next time. Do you trade photography work for frags? hehe doesn't hurt to ask...

    ct67stang: I just discovered them attached one day. Long story short, tank went through a crash, zoas started floating, one attached to the snail, zoas win few months later when there are too many for the snail to move around.

    I've noticed you guys do meetings every month, I'll have to schedule in some of those.

    brian.srock: The top two have already impressed my quite a bit, the rest I'll have to check out. Thanks also for the tip about the opening,

    Looks like my photos may be popular here as well, I'll make sure to retrieve a few more from the server at home when I get the chance.

  6. Hey y'all,

    Did I do that right? I just moved here from Nebraska a few days ago in hopes of finding a computer/IT gig. Already missing my reef tank back home so I searched around and found ARC. What a wonderful gem you guys are. After almost two years of being in the hobby I've come to find that forums such as yours' are indispensable to the hobby. My experience is only a 20L which I put together on a rather slim budget. A friend and I had a great Idea to even use a cheap trashcan to build a in tank sump. For anyone interested in a short read and pictures I'll post a link at the end. I hope that's okay with forum rules. I will most certainly be starting another nano tank after income permits. Now off to scour ARC restlessly into the night and leaving you guys with this:


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