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Posts posted by Garrett

  1. Thank you for the site! It is very helpfully. My tank is 36gal. If I do a qt tank would an 8 gal be ok? My angel is 2.5 inch, I have a 3/4inch maroon clown and a 1inch yellow tail Damsel. They all get along fine but if I quarantine them all in that small I'm curious if it would be ok. I don't want to get a qt tank much bigger due to the fact that in an 8gal qt tank I'd be removing >1/4 of my water from my display tank. Any suggestions or would this be ok? I'm on a small budget.

  2. I've noticed a green/yellow growth (very thin and growing ontop of rocks where light is hardest) spreading in my tank. It is a 36gal bow 4xT5HOx24W/each with 50Ibs live rock set up for 2 months, 1 damsel (yellow tail), 1 firefish, 5 small hermit.

    Can add photos if someone walks me through it. Im on mobile posting this and dont see an option. First timer here.

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