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Posts posted by Richard

  1. The main problem with biocubes is that they tend to run a little too warm for most seahorses. Ideally you want to keep seahorses no warmer than 76F. Even though most seahorses available are tropical, in an aquarium they tend to be more prone to bacterial infections at warmer temps so that is the reason for the lower temp. You can make it work with some mods from nanotuners.com, either upgraded fan cooling or even a minichiller.

    All the full size horses require more room than a ten gallon and dwarf seahorses are easier to keep in a smaller tank plus they require daily hatching of brine shrimp since they generally will only eat live food.

    ORA is currently producing H. fuscus (aka the Sea Pony). They are a nice in between horse growing to only around 3" long. So you could keep two in a biocube 14 gallon or if you skipped the biocube and went with a standard 20 gallon I would say you could stock it with up to 4 of them. To avoid babies you just go with a single sex tank. Typically people will stick with only females because male seahorses can sometimes have problems with their pouches. Also with the Fuscus the females are more active & colorful. The downside to fuscus right now is they are fairly expensive, expect around $100 or so per horse. ORA is only releasing single sex at this time because they are the only ones in the US producing them and they want to keep the price up while they can. I have 6 pairs and around a dozen 4 month old babies. If I ever get better at raising them I might have some extras for sale someday.

  2. I have never seen scissortail gobies fight with each other. I have 5 in my 215 and 4 in a 92 corner. They school together and all squeeze under the same rock at night with just their heads poking out. They do poorly when alone IME.

  3. Oh my! Beautiful tank!

    I have a 70 tall with the overflow box 8" shorter than normal. I had planned to do EXACTLY the same type of tank but have never gotten around to setting it up. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Oh, yeah the elegance and seahorses wouldn't work out.

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