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Everything posted by Stacy

  1. I'm right there with you!! Really needed some snails too
  2. Is he easy to keep? I've got some serious algae he could eat if you still need to get rid of him after noon... Does he eat all kinds of algae or mostly hair? ~Stacy
  3. Yeah, I think it always draws you back, but good luck with the new start I'll take any cuc you have left that hasn't already been claimed...
  4. It sounds like a ton of fun!! If I can get out, I'll try to make it. Have kids that weekend so it may not work...Definitely would be interested if it happens again though!
  5. Stacy

    Live rock rubble

    If he doesn't want it, I'll take it.
  6. Random question, but I just noticed RCA's not listed under the sponser section right now. Where'd they go?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Stacy


      Oh, that's good to know since I'm in there all the time! Laura, I'll still take you up on the trip to aquadome :)

    3. Laura


      I'll give you a jingle when I'm planning to head on down!!

    4. Stacy
  7. Stacy

    corals for sale

    Yeah, the cold didn't help. I saw lots of people standing around or going in, but I didn't get out of my car until I saw him pull up and then I ran right back to mine. No standing around tonight
  8. Stacy

    corals for sale

    I kept reading about how generous Stephen is with his frags, and WOW it's true! I can't wait to see how the zoas look when they open! Thanks for a great deal
  9. Stacy

    corals for sale

    I was just wondering that same thing, lol...
  10. Stacy

    corals for sale

    Np Derry, I'll be home th. Just let me know when works best for you
  11. Stacy

    corals for sale

    I can do it, Derry. I live in Leander.
  12. Stacy

    corals for sale

    You're awesome! Thanks! Can't wait Was just saying purple was one color I didn't have and I love my pink bn...
  13. Stacy

    corals for sale

    Stephen, can I get $5 each of the kedds red, the $1/ blue ones, and fire and ice please? I'd also like an inch of the hyacinth bird nest. I'll get them at rca like the crabs. Can I send the money then? Don't have a papal acct...
  14. Oh man, now I REALLY want some So cute!! Maybe by the time your babies are ready to sell, I can be ready for them...
  15. Stacy


    Yikes! Good luck! I would start with the hurt one. He may be the easier one to catch from the sounds of it... So sorry
  16. Ok, that makes me feel better. He's attached to the bottom of the pyrex measuring cup I had him in and won't let go so I just put the whole thing in the tank. Figure it'll help shield him from the current and let him do his thing w/o me stressing him more by pulling him off...
  17. Ok thanks. Gonna put it in and see what happens. Hope it makes it- my little clown is very unhappy too
  18. I think we're leaning towards the scopas tang over the others. That's the one the bf likes best and I haven't given him a whole lot of saya in stocking so far, lol. Oops! And obviously I was working earlier and distracted when I was making my list. Didn't mean green chromis- meant green corris wrasse... And Yeah, I was afraid my lion was going to have to wait. Oh well. Like lots of flashy, colorful fish too, so it's all good. A predator tank will come soon enough if he has his way I'm sure...
  19. And it somehow ended up in the filter column attached to the sponge. Have it out and acclimating to the big tank but I'm kinda concerned about putting it there. It looks ok, but not great. What are the chances of it cratering and killing everything in the big tank? Should I put it back in thte nano where it wasn't happy and hope for the best?
  20. James, I forgot about the scopas. I like those too. Do you not need the snails bc the tangs keep it all eaten?
  21. I was ruling out the hippo bc I hear they're super prone to ich. Think I like others better anyways- just hafta decide. Forgot about the anthias I want too...
  22. Ok, I'll quit hijacking Garretts thread so he can get his answers- sorry again, lol. Now that the 90 is ready to be stocked and since we've decided to tear down the nano, I'm wondering about number of fish I should responsibly have. I'm trying to figure out how the additional clown goby and 6 line are going to affect my wish list. Here's what I have now: red firefish, very small clown, lawnmower blenny, 6 line, and then the pseudochromis I may be trading for being a bully. Here's what else I want: another clown, a tang (which kind is in question-see hijacking of previous thread), a flame angel to be added last, some kind of fairy wrasses, and a tail spot blenny. Would love a dwarf lion if he could live there nicely (kids already have him named al capone, so not sure about nice then, lol). Was gonna do a green chromis but now I have the 6 line so not sure about him either. Thoughts? Never had a tank this size and know stocking numbers depend on the kind of fish and size etc. Filtration rt now is lr and frequent wc. A skimmer is in plans for march... Thanks!!
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