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Posts posted by Tony.and.Deb

  1. Hi,

    I am setting up a new tank and was thinking that I would put some Cardinal fish in it first since they are docile and then put a Midas Blenny, then a Fox Face, and an flame angel. I was wondering if putting a toby or sixline wrasse or hawkfish would be good for this kind of tank. I have read online that all three of these will chase your fish around. So any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way the tank is 65 gallons.


  2. We had a 29 gallon marine tank for 8 months with several fish, a star fish, hermit crabs, snails, and a cleaner shrimp. No excuses, but we did not use the quarantine procedure and introduced a sick fish to the tank (Ich). Needless to say in a matter of a month we had lost all the fish but one clown fish and the invertebrates. We would like to save the remaining livestock and put them in a new tank. We have set up a new 65 gallon tank and it is starting its' cycle. We put the clownfish in a 10 gallon quarantine tank after doing a methylene blue fresh water dip. We are treating his tank with copper. How long does the clownfish need to be treated with copper and when would it be safe to put him in the new tank. Then we have questions about the invertebrates. They are currently in a separate 10 gallon quarantine tank but have not been treated with anything. Will they ever be able to be put in the new tank without causing problems. If so, how long should they be quarantined, can or how would you treat them, and when would it be safe to put them in the new tank? We would really appreciate your help. Also, what is the general rule for how long you should quarantine new livestock before adding it to your main system.

    Thanks, Tony

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