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Posts posted by melev

  1. The best thing you can do then is sign up now and mark that date on your calendar so nothing can interfere with your plans to attend. ;) I've heard a lot of excuses and reasons why people missed it, and the main reason is because they waited and didn't get around to it, only to forget until it was too late. I paid for my own entry over a month ago, and know I'll be there. Same with MACNA each year, I pay a year in advance. And I never miss it. :D

  2. Hello everyone.

    That wasn't a trick question. I thought I'd make the rounds encouraging everyone within driving distance to attend our club's Next Wave conference. This annual event brings in hundreds of people each year to learn how to be better aquarists. We fly in four speakers to share their knowledge.

    This year we are coupling the educational event with Steve Tyree's Coral Famers Market(sm). Not only will you have the opportunity to hear what Charles Delbeek, James Fatheree, Gerald Heslinga, and Matt Pederson, but you'll have the opportunity to purchase tank raised corals of all types. Tyree's goal is to provide a huge selection of corals that are used to aquarium conditions, promoting propagation. A good group of vendors have followed in his footsteps and will be on hand to answer your questions and send you home with some new items.

    Here are some images from the previous Next Wave. If you'd like to sign up, there's a link at the base of this page:


  3. Thanks to Marc for giving a great presentation, sorry I didn't get to hear all of it. Thanks to everyone who came out, it was nice to meet the Austin community. Thanks James for setting up all the hardware, and coordinating everything. And of course Andrew for being him...lol.

    I'm glad so many of you were able to attend and enjoy the meeting. Brian & Christina, your tank looks better than ever and I was very excited to bring home another frag from your reef. It is currently in an Interceptor bath for the night, and tomorrow after a 5 minute dip in ReVive it'll go in my reef. Thanks for all the snacks - way more than we could eat - and your hospitality.

    My hope is that the presentation will help each of your determine what is best for your reef and allow your systems to work properly while being easy to maintain. :)

  4. Should I need to erradicate the flatworm by vaccum with micron bags to pail or to sump then droplet of Flatworn eXit to ensure all flatworm nonexit?

    Please read my little article carefully. Yes, siphon out all you can every single day for about two weeks before you treat the tank. All of this is covered in that write up.

    You can just siphon them into a bucket, but I was doing it to the sump so I wouldn't have to keep replacing saltwater with new saltwater.

  5. Actually what happened is the episode that is showing up as episode 25 is actually episode 21.

    Yes, that is what happened to others. I deleted my copy of the iTunes download, uploaded fresh RSS and XML files with the most recent time and date, and I have a feeling their site won't check it again until midnight. Hopefully by tomorrow, this will work as it should, because I don't know how to speed it up.

    The new file should be 83 megs.

  6. I edited the RSS feed early this morning, but somehow it was botched. I just updated it, but for me iTunes doesn't see the new episode yet. If you can download #25 (83 megs), please let me know. It might have to take a day before the RSS feeds update, or I'm still doing something wrong.

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