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Posts posted by vampyromorpha

  1. Three nights ago we had a power outage in the neghborhood. This taught us a lesson we should have already known, get battery backup power for the tank! Anyhow, I would guess that the pumps were off for a good 2 hours(just a guess) and the temperature dropped to ~73 from the regulated 78. It seems that we did not have too many issues due to this problem, in fact the only thing that looks different is our 2 mexican turbos, Cheech and Chong... They have been very lethargic and sometimes do not suction all the way to whatever they are suctioning to. I notice the flesh is a bit more orange than usual, though not too much. I noticed this 2 days ago, the day after the incident. Immediatly my thoughts were that they are starving, because we don't have nearly as much green algae as we used to in the tank. So, I fed them some algae flakes, which they very hesitantly accepted. They looked better after that and yesterday seemed fine, now today they are showing the same signs once again. Do you think the power outage and temp. drop had anything to do with it, or are we starving them? I would really like to keep them, but don't want to starve them to death... FYI, they are in a 29 gallon biocube with a few other algae eaters as well.

    Thanks in advance for your advice...

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