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Posts posted by TeresaG23

  1. Absolut _racer - thanks for the info. I thought about adding Chaeto to the bottom of the 3rd compartment of just the simple media rack..... to prevent fragmenting and clogging up the return, would it be plausible to put that sponge or a different one on the bottom of that compartment before water is returned to the pump? I have never heard of a HOB refugium. what is that exactly? do you think adding a piece of plastic in the middle of the bottom of the fuge basket might help direct flow into and out of the fuge basket? again - thanks for the insight.

  2. Hello Austin and surrounding area reefers! I am new to this group and to reef keeping period. Just started my saltwater biocube December 8, 2009. Everything is going great except for ongoing suspended particles in my water and ongoing algae issues (dust/film and hair i believe), which my rainfordi goby, emerald crab, snails and hermits appear to enjoy, but i want to better help keep it under control. Using API's master reef saltwater testing kit, all my parameters are either 0 or just near, CA and alk are high naturally due to my well water i use in my tank which flows through the local limestone below our surface and i am doing 15-20% WC every 2 weeks currently. You can see what i currently have in my tank below, but after setting it up, i am thinking about converting the middle compartment into a refugium, but i still want to use my purigen, chemi pure and poly filter in the same compartment if possible/needed. I want to do the least amount of cutting to my biocube as possible. I am currently looking at InTank's media basket and fuge basket to keep both my filtration and add some macro algae for a refugium. Installation appears to be simple, but i see that i will have to pry up the false floor of the second chamber to install either or both baskets. after watching the demos from their website http://www.mediabask...onstration.html, I cant conceptualize why or how the water flow will go up into the fuge portion before entering the third chamber. If my physics are correct, I feel that the water immediately exiting the media basket will be the first to enter the third chamber and return to the display portion of my tank. Has anyone experienced this issue or any others using InTank's baskets??? I can visualize rectifying this issue by using a piece of plastic, acrylic and epoxy to affix it in the middle of the bottom section to help encourage water flow up into the fuge, but i wanted to get what others have experienced using these baskets, if anyone has had any issues with them, or if anyone had any other DIY suggestions for starting an easy refugium in my biocube. if there area other media baskets out there and how well they work would be nice to know too.

    Once i figure out a system i intend to use with help from all of you who are interested in responding with suggestions, I will need some Chaeto or Culpera. Which one is better or is there something else better to use in a 'fuge and does anyone know where i can find some in the Austin or surrounding areas?

    Thanks in advance for all of your help!

  3. Hi. I had the same issue with my six line when i was trying to catch him to put him and his tank mates in a hospital tank to treat for external parasites away from my inverts and corals. I finally had to wait till night when it 'went to bed' and removed the one live rock I finally figured out it was sleeping under. even after removing the rock, it was still sleeping appearantly as it did not swim off. I then put a plastic bag around it and its sleeping area and used my hands to make a good seal around it.... then nudged the fish a bit to wake it up. Since it could not escape my tight seal around it's sleeping area, it finally swam up and into the bag. I then slowly closed the bag and removed it from the main tank. This would only work though if you know where it sleeps and if the rock on top of it is removable. good luck!

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