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Posts posted by apmark

  1. 75 Gal Reef Aquarium complete with stand, lights, Sump, Protein Skimmer, Heater, Phos Reacter, Auto Top Off pump (water level sensor need adjusting or replacing) Cooling Fan. Also with Reef Keeper II, though some channels aren't working. Haven't had the time to try to re-download the Reefkeeper software to see if that fixes problem. There is lots of live rock and several corals (Large leather mushroom in off white, Frogspawn, Green Star polps, 2 Elephant Ear Mushrooms) and tons of room for more. There are also 2 clown fish, 1 Yellow Tang and 1 Coral Beauty. Lots of hermit crabs, a Peppermint Shrimp and an Urchin. You must pickup. I paid over $4000.00 for this setup 3.5 years ago. really a showpiece in any home!

  2. Welcome! This is a great group of people. Brian of Kingfish is a Marine Biologist. He'll no doubt be at the frag swap so introduce yourself and tell him your school plans. It's alway good to find someone that been there before. You might even get a few prof do's and don'ts!

  3. I have a fish in quarantine that I just treated for ick with quick cure. I did the three days treatment that the bottle said and the ick appears to be gone. How long before I introduce it into the reef tank?

  4. How do you go about cleaning your protein skimmer and pumps in your sump, as well as the debris in the sump itself? Do you use soap/vinegar or just clean water? Do you take anything apart? Need to oil anything in the motors? How often do you do it? Thanks in advance for tips! dontknow.gif

  5. Thanks for the replys! So I see there is a lot of wiggle room, huh? Phosphates shouldn't be a problem since I run a phos reactor.

    Gabriel, you feed formula 2 flakes in the am? That would be easy to do. But how much? Just a dab to settle their tummy's before the real meal at night?

  6. So far, I've found that one of the most difficult things for me in reef keeping is knowing how much/how often to feed the fish and corals(unless we get into calcium supplimentations). I read about how over feeding is a bad thing, then I read about each individual coral(meat eaters) and fish need PLENTY of food. Also, i've read recommendations about feeding fish 2 times daily. Is this necessary? How many of y'all feed twice daily? Any good rules of thumb for how much food per day? So far I have 1 yellow Tang, 2 Ocelaris Clowns, one Midas Blenny, an Elephant Ear mushroom with one baby, a Sun Coral (which, btw is doing great with feeding under a dome) a bubbletip anemonie (which looks better, and better the more I ignore her. When I feed her, she stayed closed up most of the time) and a few photosynthetic only corals.

    I have frozen Mysis, formula 2, spiralina/brine combo which I rotate each day, the tang gets algae in a clamp every other day-ish (the mysis only days) and I do DT and cyclopeeze (a cap and a squirt) maybe 4 times a week. I've been only feeding in the evenings. Between the fish and sun coral, I probably give out 2 cubes of mysis or other frozen cubes daily. Maybe everything is fine as is but i keep questioning it, i guess because it seems like such guess work. I'm all ears for recommendations. Dogs are easy, and they don't try to die on you if you are not right on the money.


  7. Will do...but an apparently bitten off fin and a ragged tail are not symptoms of some disease that I'd be spreading to the reef tank should I decide to move him are they? Any other risks I should consider before I move him? A stressed fish will be more disease prone but could it get anything that's not already in the reef tank?

  8. Ive had a coral beauty in a quarantine tank with 2 green chromis' for 3 weeks and today I noticed that he's lost one of his side fins and his tail looked a bit ragged as well. My general sense is that he doesn't look so good but I can't tell if it's just stressed or if he's sick. i thought that green chromis' were supposed to be docile and wouldn't hurt one else put in with them. Have they attacted him or is it something else, a disease perhaps? Secondly, I need to know if I should get him out of there and into my main reef (with 1 yellow tang and 2 ocelaris clowns to get him away from the chromis' or leave him in quarantine because he is diseased?

  9. When is the move going to happen? I have a 20 gal quarantine tank set up with two green chronis residents to keep the bacteria working and quarantine each new fish there before putting them in my reef tank. If you let me know when, i could stall adding anything but the chromis' in case you need it. You also might want to post this request under a new topic. I doubt that many folks will find it under the salt water question topic.

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