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  1. Selling it all

  2. Time to sell!

  3. I'd be interested to find out more about your hardware and livestock. This sounds exactly like what I'm thinking of.
  4. Is that the HQI version? @gonzobob: I don't think of this as stopgap. Fate may dictate that this be my only salt tank, but even if not I think it'd be a great little community. @gonzobob again: I'm big on the idea of refugiums. Larger water volume and cleaner water, seems like a winning combination.
  5. Due to house remodeling projects that must be accomplished before I get a larger tank I've decided to go with a nano. But, like everything else, I want to get the advice from experienced users. Here's my goal: a smaller tank (14g?) that I'd put a pair of clowns and a BTA or similar for them to host. nanocustoms.com looks like a playground with all the precustomized options and kits. PetCo has nanos (and all other aquariums) on for 20% off--I can get a base model BioCube 14g for $270. I know that I'd like to have a refugium (are these built in also?) and a skimmer, but I'd like to get opinions on the following questions. In other words, if YOU were going to do this what would you choose? What is the best option for the goal I have? What size? What lighting? What other options? Should i get the base model at Petco and an addon kit at nanocustoms? Or get the precustomized packages? (I'd prefer the prebuilts for ease of maintenance, but bang for buck is important too.)
  6. /agree on the prices for building your own. You can get what you want, or at least maximize the bang for the buck you spend, but tech support is a life saver. I've got all the basic components for an i7 box, but don't really like the case I was going to reuse. I really need to get on the ball on that project...
  7. We're hiring WinTel admins, but through Northrop Grumman Information Technologies. I'm not sure, but I think that they require 2003 and/or 2008 certifications. I don't know where they are in their hiring process, but we've requested six people. Check their website to see if any of those slots are still open. If not then I've seen the preliminary paperwork to request three more, but no telling if or when those will become reality. I suspect that our networking group is or will be hiring also. They've been understaffed for some time and just lost one of their admins.
  8. Wippit

    RO system

    I was planning to put mine behind the softener also. Do you find that it extends the life of the media?
  9. Hey Wayne, aren't you supposed to be at work? (We work at the same place) That brings up the question I was about to add: is there anything special about Oceanic's nanos? Other brands are out there for less. And a side note: I'm willing to be very patient once I get some water in a tank. My plan for the large tank is to set it up with a gigantic refugium and let them run for a few months before putting anything in it. It's getting to the starting point that's eating at me.
  10. The Boss is fully supportive of me building any setup I want. However, we need to put in new carpets and tile, and she pointed out that it would be prudent to do that before I put two thousand pounds of water and glass in place. Logical. I had to agree. We also need to repaint the interior of the house. That should be done before new floors are put in. Logical again. So now I have to wait to put together a system until after the walls and floors are done, and who knows how long that will be. But I had an idea. I've always been captivated by the clown and anemone symbiotic relationship. I see that Petsmart (of all places!) has all tanks on sale for 20% off, and they stock the 14 and 29g Oceanic Nanos. Would it be possible for a system like this to support a pair of clowns and something like a bubble anemone? Questions: - Is this feasible? - One thing I noticed was that the stock lighting would have to be upgraded, since it's only ~2w per gallon. Is it possible to upgrade this and other systems that might need it? Would other systems need to be included or upgraded. - Is it possible to purchase a mated pair of clowns along with an invert that they're already hosting, and if so would that relationship survive a transplant? - I'd much rather support a LFS or individual selling a tank/gear if the price is reasonably close. Anyone know of someone with this kind of equipment for sale?
  11. When I get my tank going I want a scoop of sand and some water from your changes!
  12. What?? Don't tell me there isn't a credit-card solution that will let me have an amazing tank in less than 24 hours!! <G>
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