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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I'll take them if they are reef safe
  2. I would also like to pick up this afternoon if possible since my work is close to where you live.
  3. Cool setup hydro. I like those reflectors. Unfortunately leaving the tank without a hood is not an option for me. I've had to fish out crayons and toys out of the tank before plus my arrangement with the wife is that no exposed equipment or wireing will be visible ( the tanks are in the living room)
  4. PM sent for: 2 bulb 48 inch atentic lighting system with electronic ballast. Two 460 atentic bulbs, end caps, reflectors, and wiring. Sale for 30.00 OBO 20 Foot long water changing system (similar to the python system) 10.00 Mag 5 Pump: 15.00 Extra top off unit Retails for 60.00 sale for 20.00 36 inch multi color LED light bar: 10.00 2 containers of carbon 10.00 for both - ¼ lb of phosphate media: 3.00 - 2 containers of Kalkwash: 10.00 for both - Lg Mag float with razor attachment: 15.00 - 50 Gal bag of reef crystal salt: 7.00
  5. The way I've done my other bowfronts lighting (both 175G and 72g) and the way I'll probably end up doing this one as well, is build a frame out of wood and pvc to hold the lights and fans. The Oceanic hoods for these tanks is only a flimsy plastic shell, so I can't attach anything to it, but the way I build the frame is that it fits completely under the hood. I leave the top and back of the hood open for air circulation. here are some photos of my 175 setup with 3x250W MHs + 2x55w PCs
  6. caferacermike, what kind of cooling do you have? fans blowing at the lights/sucking air from the sump ?
  7. Hydro, Thanks for the offer on the chiller, but at this point my budget is pretty much gone that's why I would wither use my existing 250s or if I can work out a trade for 175s I'll do that. We keep the house pretty cool (around 75-76).
  8. Good point about the evaporation rate. I'm adding an auto top off to the sump, but my sump is not that large. So if evaporation is too bad I might run the risk of draining the sump. I'm tempted to go back to my old setup of 2x175W MHs + 2x55w PCs. Thats what I was running on my old 72G and I never had any problems with heat or evaroration. I had a couple of small fans blowing on the bulbs by the way. Anyone want to trade 2 x 250W icecap ballast for 2 x175w ballasts (preferably electronic or a single dual ballast)
  9. Hydro, How do you have your 250W placed? is it centered? and doesn't the center brace at the top of the tank block some of the light that way? Do you have the glass top and hood cover off?
  10. I'm down sizing my reef tank from my 175G bowfront to a 72G bowfront (keeping the 175G as a fish only tank). My 175G has 3 x 250w MH retrofits on it. I was thinking of moving 2 of them to the 72G but wasn't sure if that would make the water run too hot without a chiller. I've had a 72G before and was running 2x175w MHs without a chiller by keeping the top off and adding some small fans. Anyone has a setup similar to this?
  11. I emailed John yesterday but have not heard back, I see a couple of people ordered after that and wasn't sure if they were redoing their orders or if they were new order.
  12. I'm a little confused. Do we have to redo all of our orders? and what is the Austin Reef Club discount code that we should be using?
  13. adding some free stuff to cover the discount works for me.
  14. Thanks Dave. Here is my order details ($44.44 total): 20 Assorted Hermits 10 Blue Leg Hermit Crab 20 Dwarf Cerith 5 Nassarius Vibex 10 Nerite Snails (Large) 1 Reef Pods 36237237
  15. I'm going to place an order but wanted to know were the local pick up will be.
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